UAV Top Launch

Cube™-ready containerised UAV launch and recovery system
with CMS interface.

Standard solution, versatile application

Unmanned aerial vehicles – UAVs or drones – have become an important part of many naval operations. From search and rescue operations over detection of oil or chemical
spills to intelligence operations and extension of radio/telecom signals, the UAVs are an excellent tool capable of covering large areas.

SH Defence has developed a UAV Top Launch and Recovery System Cube™ consisting of a 20’ Base Frame container with an open top for vertical launch and
recovery of UAV swarms.

Fits in a 20’ Cube™-ready mission bay

As with all other Cubes, the UAV Top Launch and Recovery System has the footprint of a standard 20’ high-cube container and comes with the standard connection interfaces that are compatible with the Cube™-ready mission bay standard connection cabinet CubedIn™ for plug-and-play charging and communication functionality. The UAV Top Launch and Recovery System also comes with an interface to the CMS.

Easy UAV recovery

When UAVs return to charge or UAVs from other vessels need to charge before continuing their flight, a skeleton funnel made of bars is extended from the individual UAV dock in order to catch and guide the UAV into the charging dock.

The UAV Top Launch and Recovery System Cube™ is provided with a door for easy access to service and maintenance of docks and UAVs.